Aussies love the great outdoors and when it comes to camping, we know what we’re doing! From the early settlement days, pioneers learned from the Aborigines how to live in the wilderness, and with our tech and innovation, we have transformed camping from hardship to luxury.
If you are new to camping, here are some common mistakes to avoid.
1. Buying Cheap, Inferior Products
Perhaps the most common of all camping fails, if you are too price-focused, you end up with a product that doesn’t stand the test of time. Chinese products might look good, but things go wrong after a few months of use. One way to assess camping equipment is to search for online reviews from seasoned camping experts. If someone like Bear Grylls tells you these camping storage units are tough, you know you have the right product.
2. Leaving Food Out
While we don’t have grizzly bears in Australia, we do have large animals and they can quickly home in on anything edible. There are special food-grade containers that you can order from Australia’s leading camping accessory and all edibles will be protected. In some countries, campers can be fined for leaving food out, which might also be the case in Australian National Parks. Indeed, you should never leave anything behind after a camping trip.
3. Lack of Planning
What would you do if you couldn’t start your RV? Do you have a first aid kit onboard? How do you treat a snake bite? How much water are you carrying? Do you have fuel backup? All these questions need to be asked and answered and the longer the trip, the more planning required; whatever could go wrong, might occur. Click here to find out more about the ute.
4. Getting Lost
Fortunately, we now have GPS, yet you can still get lost in very remote regions, where there might not be cellphone coverage. Make sure you have maps and that you will have satellite reception for the entirety of your trip. Know your route and you should be fine; if heading into the Outback, contact a friend at an agreed date and time to activate help should you be in trouble.
5 Failing to Research a Destination
Now that we have the Internet, there is no excuse for not researching a place. You might wish for a few great attractions and if you arrive at a destination with nothing to do, you have wasted valuable time. If you are planning an expedition, break it down into days and have a plan for each day. Of course, plans can be changed but at least you have an outline.
Many Australians own RVs and for good reason, as this is the best way to camp; there are campsites everywhere, so finding a secure place to spend the night is never an issue.